Sunday, October 7, 2012

Golden Girl

Her golden curls 
in soft spirals
over the meadow,

textures that grip my imagination
and tug at my heart

I see her form reclining
along the edge of fall leaves,

in the gold and red of the meadow.

a brillian orange and sulphur yellow fungi, Laetiporus-sulphureus, Chicken of the woods

She prepares a feast. 
A fascination of fungi, 
the beautiful,

A deep dark violet mushroom with a testured cap. Cortinarius violaceus, the Violet Cortinarius

the exotic

A large elegant parasol mushroom with a shaggy cap and a ring on the stalk. Lepiota Rachodes.

the elegant 
and the delicious.


Her memory tugs
at my heart
like a trout not yet free.
 Even among
my favorite things,
I hear her voice
 among the ferns.
Surrounded by her
favorite green,
I am only then 
her memory. 



  1. These are so poetic in vision and in words... I felt and envisioned what you said as I viewed the exquisite pictures you took. Beautiful!

  2. Lovely poem - provoking imagery . . .
